Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.477
EU - Europa 6.774
AS - Asia 3.458
AF - Africa 79
SA - Sud America 77
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 22
OC - Oceania 20
Totale 22.907
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.969
CN - Cina 2.442
IT - Italia 1.946
PL - Polonia 1.312
DE - Germania 773
UA - Ucraina 616
CA - Canada 486
SE - Svezia 459
SG - Singapore 407
GB - Regno Unito 382
FR - Francia 328
FI - Finlandia 308
RU - Federazione Russa 268
TR - Turchia 246
IE - Irlanda 166
VN - Vietnam 72
IN - India 64
TH - Thailandia 41
NL - Olanda 35
RO - Romania 33
BR - Brasile 32
HK - Hong Kong 27
IR - Iran 27
KR - Corea 27
ID - Indonesia 26
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 24
EU - Europa 22
ZA - Sudafrica 20
BE - Belgio 18
PK - Pakistan 18
AU - Australia 16
NG - Nigeria 15
PT - Portogallo 15
CL - Cile 13
EE - Estonia 13
ES - Italia 12
PE - Perù 12
PH - Filippine 12
MX - Messico 11
TN - Tunisia 11
AR - Argentina 10
BG - Bulgaria 10
GR - Grecia 10
JP - Giappone 10
KE - Kenya 10
RS - Serbia 10
CH - Svizzera 6
CO - Colombia 6
CR - Costa Rica 6
HR - Croazia 6
IQ - Iraq 6
MY - Malesia 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
EG - Egitto 5
HU - Ungheria 5
AT - Austria 4
GH - Ghana 4
LV - Lettonia 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
BO - Bolivia 3
LT - Lituania 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PA - Panama 3
CM - Camerun 2
IL - Israele 2
JO - Giordania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
SC - Seychelles 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AM - Armenia 1
BJ - Benin 1
CY - Cipro 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GE - Georgia 1
GM - Gambi 1
GT - Guatemala 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LB - Libano 1
MA - Marocco 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MW - Malawi 1
NP - Nepal 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
Totale 22.907
Città #
Jacksonville 1.514
Warsaw 1.166
Fairfield 998
Chandler 988
Woodbridge 965
Ashburn 658
Houston 654
Boardman 620
Wilmington 588
Nanjing 462
Seattle 457
Ann Arbor 436
Toronto 362
Cambridge 340
Singapore 269
Dearborn 250
Beijing 234
Camerino 233
New York 228
San Mateo 223
Princeton 208
Lawrence 207
Istanbul 194
Columbus 188
Ogden 169
Nanchang 161
Helsinki 150
Dublin 137
Kraków 133
Shanghai 122
Lachine 119
Milan 114
Guangzhou 100
Shenyang 100
Moscow 95
Hebei 91
Kunming 88
London 87
Bremen 84
Zhengzhou 83
Los Angeles 79
Jiaxing 67
Tianjin 66
Dong Ket 62
Centro 60
Redwood City 60
Wuhan 55
San Diego 54
Jinan 47
Rome 47
Changsha 44
Hangzhou 43
Philadelphia 42
Orange 41
Torre Del Greco 41
Hefei 36
Chicago 34
Düsseldorf 31
Florence 30
Munich 30
Auburn Hills 29
Menlo Park 29
Kocaeli 28
Bologna 27
College Station 25
Fuzhou 25
Lanzhou 25
Falls Church 24
Changchun 22
Ascoli Piceno 21
Norwalk 21
Venezia 21
Ningbo 20
Verona 20
Ancona 18
Jinhua 18
Naples 18
Yiwu 18
Brno 17
Casoria 17
Qingdao 17
Hong Kong 16
Lat Krabang 16
Perugia 16
Wuxi 16
Brussels 15
Council Bluffs 15
Strasbourg 15
Shenzhen 14
Chennai 13
Lagos 13
Pisa 13
Torino 13
Sindelfingen 12
Taizhou 12
Washington 12
Bangkok 11
Catania 11
Leawood 11
Lisbon 11
Totale 15.959
Nome #
Role of Proteins and of Some Bioactive Peptides on the Nutritional Quality of Donkey Milk and Their Impact on Human Health 335
Origanum vulgare L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. Aqueous Extracts in Growing-finishing Pig Nutrition: Effects on Antioxidant Status, Immune Responses, Polyphenolic Content and Sensorial Properties 304
Carcass characteristics, meat quality and nutritional value of horsemeat: A review 284
Rapid Assay to Evaluate the Total Antioxidant Capacity in Donkey Milk and in more Common Animal Milk for Human Consumption 281
Study of the table olive processing technology in order to improve the Italian cultivar “Piantone di Mogliano” production using Lactobacillus plantarum 319 and SYNBIO® as innovative technique 272
Comparative proteomic analysis of two clam species: Chamelea gallina and Tapes philippinarum 263
Caseins Characteristics in Equid and Human Milk 238
Milk characterization for a “high-quality” cappuccino 219
Use of faba bean as a replacer of soybean meal in diet of Fabrianese lambs 214
Comparison of Nutritional Characteristics of Fresh and Freeze-Dried Donkey Milk 214
Latte di asina: produzione, caratteristiche e gestione dell'azienda asinina 211
A Proteomic Study on Donkey Milk 206
Milk Production and Characteristics of the Milk of the Jenny 206
Natural additive (aqueous extract) in rabbit diet: effects on performance and oxidative and innate immunological status 205
The effects of low voltage electrical stimulation on donkey meat 202
A comparison of the carcass and meat quality of Martina Franca donkey foals aged 8 or 12 months 184
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 178
Effects of freeze-drying and spray-drying on donkey milk volatile compounds and whey proteins stability 174
The effects of slaughter age on carcass and meat quality of Fabrianese lambs 173
Effects of Lyophilization and Use of Probiotics on Donkey’s Milk Nutritional Characteristics 169
Site directed mutagenesis as a tool to understand the catalytic mechanism of human cytidine deaminase. 169
The Therapeutic, Nutritional and Cosmetic Properties of Donkey Milk 167
Profile of Nucleosides and Nucleotides in Donkey's Milk. 160
Use of Donkey Milk in Children with Cow's Milk Protein Allergy 160
Caratteristiche nutrizionali del latte di asina liofilizzato 160
A note on the effect of use of bovine somatotropin on the fatty acid composition of the milk fat in dairy cows. 159
Dietary aqueous plant extract supplementation of pigs confers higher oxidative stability to meat. 159
Donkey milk production: state of the art 158
Donkey’s milk caseins characterization 157
Llama meat nutritional properties 155
Effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on rumen ammonia and milk protein content and composition. 154
Open Journal of Animal Science 153
Post mortem proteolysis and tenderization of beef muscle through infusion of calcium chloride 149
Low voltage electrical stimulation of lamb carcasses: effects on meat quality 149
Protein fraction characterization of sheep milk from the Comisana breed 148
Effects of age on chemical composition and tenderness of muscle Longissimus thoracis of Martina Franca donkey breed. 147
A proteomic approach for the characterization of olives from “Piantone di Mogliano” cultivar. 147
Tenderization of wether lambs meat through pre-rigor infusion of calcium ions 145
Meat fatty acid composition of llama (Lama glama) reared in the Andean highlands 144
Produzioni Animali e Sicurezza Alimentare 143
A comparison among β-caseins purified from milk of different species: Self assembling behaviour and immunogenicity potential 143
Tenderness evaluation and mineral levels of llama (Lama glama) and alpaca (Lama pacos) meat 142
Human cytidine deaminase: A biochemical characterization of its naturally occurring variants. 141
Composition and Characteristics of ass’s milk. 140
Characterization of table olives from “Piantone di Mogliano” cultivar: proteomic studies and antioxidant properties evaluation 140
Microbiological assessment of cricket and cricket flour: preliminary study 140
Quality of donkey meat and carcass characteristics 138
CLAs in Animal Source Foods: Healthy Benefits for Consumers 138
Use of agro-industrial by-products for fattening lambs: pasta factory residues. Influence on meat production and meat quality. 137
Effect of dephosphorylation on donkey milk caseins 135
Protein Profile Characterization of Donkey Milk 134
Meat and carcass quality from peruvian llama (Lama glama) and alpaca (Lama pacos) 133
A preliminary study on milk kefir proteomic characterization. 132
Determination of some water-soluble vitamins in donkey milk. 132
Carcass characteristics of peruvian llama (Lama glama) and alpaca (Lama pacos) reared in the Andean highlands. 128
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 127
I tannini nell’alimentazione della vacca da latte 126
Use of ionic compounds infusion to improve meat tenderness: a review 125
Effects of thermal and physical treatments on donkey milk nutritional properties 125
Effect of Dephosphorylation on Donkey Milk Caseins 122
Low-voltage electrical stimulation effects on proteolysis and lamb tenderness 120
Antioxidant Properties of Donkey Milk 120
null 120
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 119
Dietary Intake of Vitamin D from Dairy Products Reduces the Risk of Osteoporosis 119
B-vitamins determination in Donkey milk 119
Effects of Thermal Treatments on Donkey Milk Nutritional Characteristics 118
Alimentazione ed allevamento del cavallo 117
Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications 117
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 117
22° Congresso Nazionale Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali A.S.P.A. 114
Hypoallergenic properties of donkey’s milk: a preliminary study 113
Horsemeat: Increasing Quality and Nutritional Value 112
Use of waste-water from intensive fish farming to increase the productivity in north Adriatic Lagoons (Valli). 111
Produzioni animali e sicurezza alimentare 110
Hypoallergenic properties of donkey milk 110
Valutazione dell’effetto di un integratore nutraceutico in fattrici gestanti e loro puledri: nota preliminare Effects of a nutraceutical integration in mares and foals: preliminary results 109
Produzioni animali e sicurezza alimentare 109
Allevamento e alimentazione di stadi giovanili di dentice (Dentex dentex L.) 107
Ass milk: nutritional and functional characteristics 107
Produzioni Animali e Sicurezza Alimentare 107
Caracterìsticas de la carcasa de la llama (Lama glama) y alpaca (Lama pacos) peruanas criadas en la sierra de los Andes. 106
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 106
Use of Donkey Milk in Cases of Cow’s Milk Protein Allergies 106
Carcass composition and meat quality of llama and alpaca reared in Peru 105
Characterization of plasmin, plasminogen and plasminogen activator in goat milk 105
A proteomic approach for the characterization of donkey's milk protein fraction 105
Studies on the protein fractions of donkey milk 104
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 104
Produzioni animali e sicurezza alimentare 102
Meat and carcass quality in Martina Franca donkey foals 102
Determinazione quantitativa di alcune sieroproteine nel latte di asina fresco, congelato e polverizzato 102
Produzioni Animali e Sicurezza Alimentare 102
Caratteristiche nutrizionali della carne di vitelloni di razza Marchigiana: profilo lipidico e contenuto in antiossidanti 101
Transferring caseins from the nutraceutical to the pharmaceutical world: the case of β-casein self-assembling 101
Totale 15.169
Categoria #
all - tutte 95.663
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 95.663

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.268 0 0 0 0 0 457 384 412 250 312 132 321
2020/20213.619 143 369 144 401 229 294 423 68 329 165 609 445
2021/20222.085 99 600 60 81 128 73 78 155 190 180 196 245
2022/20232.809 312 65 112 376 341 400 32 194 510 176 216 75
2023/20242.693 342 151 167 95 134 344 168 117 288 120 66 701
2024/20252.208 290 237 705 393 270 313 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.402