Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.097
EU - Europa 5.085
AS - Asia 1.776
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 21
SA - Sud America 20
AF - Africa 9
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 15.016
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.801
IT - Italia 1.358
PL - Polonia 1.305
CN - Cina 1.262
DE - Germania 617
FR - Francia 457
UA - Ucraina 367
CA - Canada 293
SE - Svezia 271
GB - Regno Unito 238
SG - Singapore 238
FI - Finlandia 166
RU - Federazione Russa 134
TR - Turchia 130
IE - Irlanda 79
VN - Vietnam 42
IN - India 32
EU - Europa 21
BE - Belgio 19
IR - Iran 18
ES - Italia 13
RO - Romania 11
NO - Norvegia 10
LU - Lussemburgo 9
BR - Brasile 8
HK - Hong Kong 8
NL - Olanda 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
KR - Corea 6
KH - Cambogia 5
PK - Pakistan 5
AT - Austria 4
AU - Australia 4
GE - Georgia 4
MA - Marocco 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PH - Filippine 4
VE - Venezuela 4
AM - Armenia 3
JP - Giappone 3
PE - Perù 3
AR - Argentina 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CO - Colombia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MX - Messico 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MY - Malesia 1
PA - Panama 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 15.016
Città #
Warsaw 1.007
Jacksonville 901
Chandler 737
Fairfield 688
Woodbridge 602
Ashburn 583
Boardman 377
Houston 377
Wilmington 370
Ann Arbor 306
Kraków 292
Seattle 280
Nanjing 263
Cambridge 241
Toronto 211
Singapore 172
Dearborn 163
San Mateo 149
Beijing 126
Princeton 124
Lawrence 122
Istanbul 121
Centro 117
Nanchang 105
Camerino 102
Columbus 101
Ogden 97
Dublin 76
Lachine 75
Helsinki 64
Rome 56
Milan 55
Redwood City 55
Shanghai 51
London 50
New York 48
Tianjin 48
Hebei 45
Kunming 45
Moscow 44
Shenyang 42
Dong Ket 41
San Diego 41
Jiaxing 38
Washington 38
Guangzhou 37
Jinan 34
Wuhan 33
Düsseldorf 32
Los Angeles 32
Munich 29
Changsha 24
Orange 23
Philadelphia 23
Ancona 22
Falls Church 22
Leawood 19
Lucca 19
Chicago 18
Hangzhou 18
Hefei 18
Macerata 18
Perugia 18
Jinhua 17
Pisa 16
Chieti 15
Monmouth Junction 15
Santa Vittoria In Matenano 15
Zhengzhou 15
Auburn Hills 14
Augusta 14
Verona 14
Brussels 13
Norwalk 12
Ardabil 11
Changchun 11
Florence 11
Shenzhen 11
Venezia 11
Jesi 10
Pereto 10
Pesaro 10
Yiwu 10
Buffalo 9
Indiana 9
Nürnberg 9
Pune 9
Senigallia 9
Alanno 8
Angri 8
Bologna 8
Lanzhou 8
Menlo Park 8
Pescara 8
Scafati 8
Strasbourg 8
Valle 8
Castelfidardo 7
Ferrara 7
Modena 7
Totale 10.478
Nome #
The effects of in-stream gravel mining on river incision: an example from Central Adriatic Italy 384
A Multi-Model Approach Using Statistical Index and Information Criteria to Evaluate the Adequacy of the Model Geometry in a Fissured Carbonate Aquifer (Italy) 300
The August 24th 2016 Accumoli earthquake: surface faulting and Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD) in the Monte Vettore area 277
Analysis of mountain springs discharge time series in the Tennacola stream catchment (central Apennine, Italy) 270
Pliocene-Pleistocene geomorphological evolution of the Adriatic side of central Italy 264
A combined approach for a modern hydrogeological mapping: the case study of Tennacola stream catchment (central Apennine, Italy) 249
Application of the MRC method to the study of some mountain springs in the Tennacola stream catchment (central Apennine, Italy) 245
Geomorphological evolution of the middle-lower reach of the Tronto river (central Italy), during the last 200 years: impacts on flood hazard 243
3D Pore-network quantitative analysis in deformed carbonate grainstones 242
Method and Excel VBA Algorithm for Modeling Master Recession Curve Using Trigonometry Approach 231
Surface ruptures following the 30 October 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake, central Italy 229
A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy 216
The significance of recent and short pluviometric time series for the assessment of flood hazard in the context of climate change: examples from some sample basins of the Adriatic Central Italy 196
Groundwater recharge estimation using spring hydrographs: the case of the Tennacola carbonate aquifer (central Apennine, Italy) 194
Hazard assessment of a complex landslide: the case of Vestea (Abruzzo, Italy) 171
DSGSDs induced by post glacial decompression in central Apennine (Italy) 169
Morphotectonic characterization of the quaternary intermontane basins of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy) 168
Carta geomorfologica d’Italia: Foglio n. 389 Anagni, scala 1:50000 158
null 158
Il ruolo della gravità nell’evoluzione geomorfologica di un’area di falesia: il caso del Monte Conero (Mare Adriatico, Italia centrale) 156
Assessment of Variations in the Temperature-Rainfall Trend in the Province of Macerata (Central Italy), Comparing the Last Three Climatological Standard Normals (1961–1990; 1971–2000; 1981–2010) for Biosustainability Studies. 155
null 155
Geomorphological and geophysical investigations for the characterization of the Roman Carsulae site (Tiber basin, Central Italy) 154
Late Quaternary catchment evolution and erosion rates in the Tyrrhenian side of central Italy 148
Climatic influence on slope dynamics and shoreline variations: examples from Marche region (central Italy). 146
Human impact and slope dynamics evolutionary trends in the monoclinal relief of Adriatic area of central Italy. 145
Morphotectonic and sedimentary infill of the Colfiorito, Norcia, Castelluccio and Leonessa basins (Central Apennines, Italy) 142
La sequenza sismica 2016-2018 nel centro-Italia: effetti geomorfologici e variazioni idrologiche ed idrogeologiche nell'area epicentrale appenninica 140
Deep seated gravitational slope deformations in active tectonics areas of the Umbria-Marche Apennine (central Italy) 140
L’estate di San Martino: prime considerazioni sull’alluvione del 10-11-12 novembre e del 1-2 dicembre 2013 nelle Marche 138
Recent variations of italian central Adriatic coastline. 138
Carta geolitologica scala 1: 250.000. 136
null 136
Publisher Correction: A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in central Italy (Scientific Data, (2018) 5, 10.1038/sdata.2018.49) 135
Co-seismic and post-seismic changes in groundwater discharge: first results from the epicentral region of the Central Italy earthquake 2016 133
Le emissioni fluide associate ai vulcanelli di fango delle Marche periadriatiche. 132
Large landslides in sea-cliff areas of the central Adriatic coast (Italy) 131
Mass movement in adriatic central Italy: activation and evolutive control factors. 126
Influence of climatic changes on freshwater travertine deposition: a new hypothesis 126
I vulcanelli di fango della Regione Marche: proposte di perimetrazione, valorizzazione, conservazione e tutela di aree a rischio di estinzione 125
Late quaternary geomorphological evolution and erosion rates in the clayey peri-Adriatic belt (central Italy). 125
Geomophology and Quaternary evolution of central Italy 124
The use of a numerical model to evaluate flood hazard in a small catchment of central Italy; the role of anthropic pressure 124
Recent observation on erosional processes in the Potenza and Chienti river alluvial plains (central Marche, Italy) 123
Processi di approfondimento dell'erosione in alveo ed effetti dell'inquinamento nei fiumi delle Marche centro-meridionali (Italia centrale) 121
La Costa delle Marche 120
Hydrogeological study for the quantification and protection of water resources (central­southern Marche) 120
Natural hazards on built-up areas 119
Superficial effects induced by the 1997 earthquake in the Colfiorito area (Central Apennine, Italy) 119
The Mt. Ascensione slope deposits (southern Marches, Italy). 119
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 325010 Monte Torricchio 112
Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in a carbonate aquifer system of central Apennine (Italy) 112
Geomorphological evidences of natural disasters in the Roman archaeological site of Carsulae (Tiber basin-central Italy). 108
Geoturistic hazard in hypogeum karst landscape: an example from Frasassi Cave (central Italy) 107
Il terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009: rilievi geologici, geologici del Quaternario, geomorfologici di superficie e considerazioni per la prevenzione del rischio sismico e per la ricostruzione post-terremoto 107
Cytomorphological changes in the rabbit oviductal epithelium after human chorionic gonadotropin treatment. 104
Freshwater travertines in central Apennine (Italy): genesis and climatic and neotectonic significance. 103
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 324080 Riofreddo 102
I depositi di versante del Monte dell’Ascensione (Marche meridionali, Italia) 102
Rapporti tra idrologia superficiale ed ipogea nell'area del Rio Garrafo e di Acquasanta Terme (AP): indagini idrochimiche e cenni sulla vulnerabilità all'inquinamento degli acquiferi carbonatici 101
null 101
Damming phenomena caused by landslides along the Chienti and Tenna river valleys (central-southern Marches, Italy). 101
Netectonic conditioning in the evolution of the monoclinal relief of the central-southern Marches (Central Italy). 100
Intensive course on "Natural hazards on built-up areas 100
I travertini dell’Appennino umbro-marchigiano; genesi, evoluzione e cronologia. 99
Carta geolitologica scala 1: 250.000. 99
Fronti di sovrascorrimento (Tavola 57). 99
Sbarramenti per frana degli alvei fluviali: alcuni esempi nelle Marche centro-meridionali 99
Evoluzione geomorfologica recente della media-bassa valle del fiume Tronto (Marche meridionali) 99
Two geostatistical approaches for assessing landslide susceptibility in Italian Apennines. 98
Freshwater travertines in the central Apennine (Italy): genesis and climatic and neotectonic significance 98
La cartografia geomorfologica applicata alla pianificazione territoriale: l'esempio del Parco Naturale Regionale della Gola della Rossa e di Frasassi (Marche centro-settentrionali) 97
Elements of slope and fluvial dynamics as evidence of late Holocene climatic fluctuations in the central Adriatic sector, Italy 96
Freshwater travertine deposition in mountain area: examples of climatic and neotectonic interaction from central Apennine (Italy) 95
I travertini dell’Italia centrale adriatica: genesi, cronologia e significato geomorfologico e paleoambientale. 94
Geomorphological features of the huge Ancona landslide 94
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 313100 Pievebovigliana 94
Holocene travertine deposition and human settlement in the limestone valleys of the Marchean Apennine (central Italy) 93
Carta dei processi erosivi del rilievo monoclinalico marchigiano-abruzzese (Italia centrale). 93
The Neolithic site of Maddalena di Muccia (Umbria-Marche Apennine): a tip to reconstruct the geomorphological evolution and human occupation during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene 92
Impatto della viticoltura sulla dinamica dei versanti nelle Marche (Italia centrale). 92
Geo-environmental changes and historical events in the area of the Greek archaeological site of Selinunte (Western Sicily, Italy) 91
Guide to excursion in the Marche Region. 91
Geomorphological sensitivity and system response 91
Deformazioni gravitative profonde (Tavola 7). 91
Maggio, 2014: Siamo alle solite. E’ ora di cambiare la rotta! 90
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 313030 Serrapetrona 90
Geomorphological evolution and soil erosion rate in two clayey small catchments of central and island Italy during the last 15,000 years. 90
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 324120 Chiusita 89
Temperature variations in Central Italy (Marche region) and effects on wine grape production 88
Impatto antropico e franosità in due bacini idrografici delle Marche centro-meridionali 88
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 324040 Costa 87
Recent and presentday morphodynamics and geomorphological hazard in the Mt. Ascensione area. 87
Il Terroir della Vernaccia DOCG di Serrapetrona (Appennino Marchigiano): correlazioni tra uso del suolo e dissesti gravitativi. 86
Aspetti morfoevolutivi del settore periadriatico marchigiano-abruzzese (Italia centrale). 86
Carta Geomorfologica Regionale - sez. 325090 Monte Moricone 86
Rapporti tra deformazioni fragili Plio-quaternarie e morfogenesi gravitativa nella fascia alto-collinare delle Marche centro-meridionali. 85
Proposal for preservation and protection of the Marche region mud volcanoes (Central Italy) 84
L’utilizzo delle serie pluviometriche storiche per la valutazione della pericolosità da esondazione nell’attuale contesto di cambiamento climatico 84
Totale 13.421
Categoria #
all - tutte 62.174
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 62.174

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.306 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 278 229 218 104 217
2020/20212.560 154 208 188 223 128 247 263 54 236 141 427 291
2021/20221.216 57 368 44 57 65 51 45 108 95 83 96 147
2022/20231.771 187 96 62 292 187 246 1 121 323 79 115 62
2023/20241.604 216 93 106 61 87 233 65 61 165 56 55 406
2024/20251.119 125 134 337 190 133 196 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.352