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We present the results of a search for gravitational waves associated with 223 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the InterPlanetary Network (IPN) in 2005-2010 during LIGO's fifth and sixth science runs and Virgo's first, second, and third science runs. The IPN satellites provide accurate times of the bursts and sky localizations that vary significantly from degree scale to hundreds of square degrees. We search for both a well-modeled binary coalescence signal, the favored progenitor model for short GRBs, and for generic, unmodeled gravitational wave bursts. Both searches use the event time and sky localization to improve the gravitational wave search sensitivity as compared to corresponding all-time, all-sky searches. We find no evidence of a gravitational wave signal associated with any of the IPN GRBs in the sample, nor do we find evidence for a population of weak gravitational wave signals associated with the GRBs. For all IPN-detected GRBs, for which a sufficient duration of quality gravitational wave data are available, we place lower bounds on the distance to the source in accordance with an optimistic assumption of gravitational wave emission energy of 10(-2)M(circle dot)c(2) at 150 Hz, and find a median of 13 Mpc. For the 27 short-hard GRBs we place 90\% confidence exclusion distances to two source models: a binary neutron star coalescence, with a median distance of 12 Mpc, or the coalescence of a neutron star and black hole, with a median distance of 22 Mpc. Finally, we combine this search with previously published results to provide a population statement for GRB searches in first-generation LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors and a resulting examination of prospects for the advanced gravitational wave detectors.
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with gamma-ray Bursts Detected by the Interplanetary Network
J. Aasi;B. P. Abbott;R. Abbott;T. Abbott;M. R. Abernathy;F. Acernese;K. Ackley;C. Adams;T. Adams;P. Addesso;R. X. Adhikari;C. Affeldt;M. Agathos;N. Aggarwal;O. D. Aguiar;P. Ajith;A. Alemic;B. Allen;A. Allocca;D. Amariutei;M. Andersen;R. A. Anderson;S. B. Anderson;W. G. Anderson;K. Arai;M. C. Araya;C. Arceneaux;J. S. Areeda;S. Ast;S. M. Aston;P. Astone;P. Aufmuth;H. Augustus;C. Aulbert;B. E. Aylott;S. Babak;P. T. Baker;G. Ballardin;S. W. Ballmer;J. C. Barayoga;M. Barbet;B. C. Barish;D. Barker;F. Barone;B. Barr;L. Barsotti;M. Barsuglia;M. A. Barton;I. Bartos;R. Bassiri;A. Basti;J. C. Batch;J. Bauchrowitz;T. S. Bauer;C. Baune;V. Bavigadda;B. Behnke;M. Bejger;M. G. Beker;C. Belczynski;A. S. Bell;C. Bell;G. Bergmann;D. Bersanetti;A. Bertolini;J. Betzwieser;I. A. Bilenko;G. Billingsley;J. Birch;S. Biscans;M. Bitossi;C. Biwer;M. A. Bizouard;E. Black;J. K. Blackburn;L. Blackburn;D. Blair;S. Bloemen;O. Bock;T. P. Bodiya;M. Boer;G. Bogaert;C. Bogan;C. Bond;F. Bondu;L. Bonelli;R. Bonnand;R. Bork;M. Born;V. Boschi;S. Bose;L. Bosi;C. Bradaschia;P. R. Brady;V. B. Braginsky;M. Branchesi;J. E. Brau;T. Briant;D. O. Bridges;A. Brillet;T. Bulik;H. J. Bulten;A. Buonanno;R. Burman;D. Buskulic;C. Buy;L. Cadonati;G. Cagnoli;J. C. Bustillo;E. Calloni;J. B. Camp;P. Campsie;K. C. Cannon;B. Canuel;J. Cao;C. D. Capano;F. Carbognani;L. Carbone;S. Caride;G. Castaldi;S. Caudill;M. Cavaglia;F. Cavalier;R. Cavalieri;C. Celerier;G. Cella;C. Cepeda;E. Cesarini;R. Chakraborty;T. Chalermsongsak;S. J. Chamberlin;S. Chao;P. Charlton;E. Chassande Mottin;X. Chen;Y. Chen;A. Chincarini;A. Chiummo;H. S. Cho;M. Cho;J. H. Chow;N. Christensen;Q. Chu;S. S. Y.;S. Chung;G. Ciani;F. Clara;D. E. Clark;J. A. Clark;J. H. Clayton;F. Cleva;E. Coccia;P. F. Cohadon;A. Colla;C. Collette;M. Colombini;L. Cominsky;M. C. J.r.;A. Conte;D. Cook;T. R. Corbitt;N. Cornish;A. Corsi;C. A. Costa;M. W. Coughlin;J. P. Coulon;S. Countryman;P. Couvares;D. M. Coward;M. J. Cowart;D. C. Coyne;R. Coyne;K. Craig;J. D. E.;R. P. Croce;S. G. 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Frede;Z. Frei;A. Freise;R. Frey;T. T. Fricke;P. Fritschel;V. V. Frolov;P. Fulda;M. Fyffe;J. R. Gair;L. Gammaitoni;S. Gaonkar;F. Garufi;N. Gehrels;G. Gemme;B. Gendre;E. Genin;A. Gennai;S. Ghosh;J. A. Giaime;K. D. Giardina;A. Giazotto;J. Gleason;E. Goetz;R. Goetz;L. Gondan;G. Gonzalez;N. Gordon;M. L. Gorodetsky;S. Gossan;S. Gossler;R. Gouaty;C. Graf;P. B. Graff;M. Granata;A. Grant;S. Gras;C. Gray;R. J. S.;A. M. Gretarsson;P. Groot;H. Grote;K. Grover;S. Grunewald;G. M. Guidi;C. J. Guido;K. Gushwa;E. K. Gustafson;R. Gustafson;J. Ha;E. D. Hall;W. Hamilton;D. Hammer;G. Hammond;M. Hanke;J. Hanks;C. Hanna;M. D. Hannam;J. Hanson;J. Harms;G. M. Harry;I. W. Harry;E. D. Harstad;M. Hart;M. T. Hartman;C. J. Haster;K. Haughian;A. Heidmann;M. Heintze;H. Heitmann;P. Hello;G. Hemming;M. Hendry;I. S. Heng;A. W. Heptonstall;M. Heurs;M. Hewitson;S. Hild;D. Hoak;K. A. Hodge;D. Hofman;K. Holt;P. Hopkins;T. Horrom;D. Hoske;D. J. Hosken;J. Hough;E. J. Howell;Y. Hu;E. Huerta;B. Hughey;S. Husa;S. H. Huttner;M. Huynh;T. Huynh Dinh;A. Idrisy;D. R. Ingram;R. Inta;G. Islas;T. Isogai;A. Ivanov;B. R. Iyer;K. Izumi;M. Jacobson;H. Jang;P. Jaranowski;Y. Ji;F. Jimenez Forteza;W. W. Johnson;D. I. Jones;R. Jones;R. J. G.;L. Ju;K. Haris;P. Kalmus;V. Kalogera;S. Kandhasamy;G. Kang;J. B. Kanner;J. Karlen;M. Kasprzack;E. Katsavounidis;W. Katzman;H. Kaufer;S. Kaufer;T. Kaur;K. Kawabe;F. Kawazoe;F. Kefelian;G. M. Keiser;D. Keitel;D. B. Kelley;W. Kells;D. G. Keppel;A. Khalaidovski;F. Y. Khalili;E. A. Khazanov;C. Kim;K. Kim;N. G. Kim;N. Kim;S. Kim;Y. M. Kim;E. J. King;P. J. King;D. L. Kinzel;J. S. Kissel;S. Klimenko;J. Kline;S. Koehlenbeck;K. Kokeyama;V. Kondrashov;S. Koranda;W. Z. Korth;I. Kowalska;D. B. Kozak;V. Kringel;B. Krishnan;A. Krolak;G. Kuehn;A. Kumar;D. N. Kumar;P. Kumar;R. Kumar;L. Kuo;A. Kutynia;P. K. Lam;M. Landry;B. Lantz;S. Larson;P. D. Lasky;A. Lazzarini;C. Lazzaro;P. Leaci;S. Leavey;E. O. Lebigot;C. H. Lee;H. K. Lee;H. M. Lee;J. Lee;P. J. Lee;M. Leonardi;J. R. Leong;I. Leonor;A. L. Roux;N. 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Sentenac;V. Sequino;A. Sergeev;D. A. Shaddock;S. Shah;M. S. Shahriar;M. Shaltev;Z. Shao;B. Shapiro;P. Shawhan;D. H. Shoemaker;T. L. Sidery;K. Siellez;X. Siemens;D. Sigg;D. Simakov;A. Singer;L. Singer;R. Singh;A. M. Sintes;B. J. J.;J. Slutsky;J. R. Smith;M. R. Smith;R. J. E.;N. D. Smith Lefebvre;E. J. Son;B. Sorazu;T. Souradeep;A. Staley;J. Stebbins;M. Steinke;J. Steinlechner;S. Steinlechner;B. C. Stephens;S. Steplewski;S. Stevenson;R. Stone;D. Stops;K. A. Strain;N. Straniero;S. Strigin;R. Sturani;A. L. Stuver;T. Z. Summerscales;S. Susmithan;P. J. Sutton;B. Swinkels;M. Tacca;D. Talukder;D. B. Tanner;J. Tao;S. P. Tarabrin;R. Taylor;G. Tellez;M. P. Thirugnanasambandam;M. Thomas;P. Thomas;K. A. Thorne;K. S. Thorne;E. Thrane;V. Tiwari;K. V. Tokmakov;C. Tomlinson;M. Tonelli;C. V. Torres;C. I. Torrie;F. Travasso;G. Traylor;M. Tse;D. Tshilumba;H. Tuennermann;D. Ugolini;C. S. Unnikrishnan;A. L. Urban;S. A. Usman;H. Vahlbruch;G. Vajente;G. Valdes;M. Vallisneri;M. V. Beuzekom;J. F. J.;C. V. den;M. V. Van;J. V. Heijningen;A. A. Van;S. Vass;M. Vasuth;R. Vaulin;A. Vecchio;G. Vedovato;J. Veitch;P. J. Veitch;K. Venkateswara;D. Verkindt;F. Vetrano;A. Vicere;R. Vincent Finley;J. Y. Vinet;S. Vitale;T. Vo;H. Vocca;C. Vorvick;W. D. Vousden;S. P. Vyachanin;A. R. Wade;L. Wade;M. Wade;M. Walker;L. Wallace;S. Walsh;M. Wang;X. Wang;R. L. Ward;M. Was;B. Weaver;L. W. Wei;M. Weinert;A. J. Weinstein;R. Weiss;T. Welborn;L. Wen;P. Wessels;M. West;T. Westphal;K. Wette;J. T. Whelan;D. J. White;B. F. Whiting;K. Wiesner;C. Wilkinson;K. Williams;L. Williams;R. Williams;T. D. Williams;A. R. Williamson;J. L. Willis;B. Willke;M. Wimmer;W. Winkler;C. C. Wipf;A. G. Wiseman;H. Wittel;G. Woan;N. Wolovick;J. Worden;Y. Wu;J. Yablon;I. Yakushin;W. Yam;H. Yamamoto;C. C. Yancey;H. Yang;S. Yoshida;M. Yvert;A. Zadrozny;M. Zanolin;J. P. Zendri;F. Zhang;L. Zhang;C. Zhao;H. Zhu;X. J. Zhu;M. E. Zucker;S. Zuraw;J. Zweizig;R. L. Aptekar;J. L. Atteia;T. Cline;V. Connaughton;D. D. Frederiks;S. V. Golenetskii;K. Hurley;H. A. Krimm;M. Marisaldi;V. D. Pal'shin;D. Palmer;D. S. Svinkin;Y. Terada;A. V. Kienlin;L. S. Collaboration;V. Collaboration;I. Collaboration
We present the results of a search for gravitational waves associated with 223 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the InterPlanetary Network (IPN) in 2005-2010 during LIGO's fifth and sixth science runs and Virgo's first, second, and third science runs. The IPN satellites provide accurate times of the bursts and sky localizations that vary significantly from degree scale to hundreds of square degrees. We search for both a well-modeled binary coalescence signal, the favored progenitor model for short GRBs, and for generic, unmodeled gravitational wave bursts. Both searches use the event time and sky localization to improve the gravitational wave search sensitivity as compared to corresponding all-time, all-sky searches. We find no evidence of a gravitational wave signal associated with any of the IPN GRBs in the sample, nor do we find evidence for a population of weak gravitational wave signals associated with the GRBs. For all IPN-detected GRBs, for which a sufficient duration of quality gravitational wave data are available, we place lower bounds on the distance to the source in accordance with an optimistic assumption of gravitational wave emission energy of 10(-2)M(circle dot)c(2) at 150 Hz, and find a median of 13 Mpc. For the 27 short-hard GRBs we place 90\% confidence exclusion distances to two source models: a binary neutron star coalescence, with a median distance of 12 Mpc, or the coalescence of a neutron star and black hole, with a median distance of 22 Mpc. Finally, we combine this search with previously published results to provide a population statement for GRB searches in first-generation LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors and a resulting examination of prospects for the advanced gravitational wave detectors.
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La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.